Category Archives: CheckIt

In the category CheckIt there are small FeedBacks to various foods

Blood Oranges

Blood oranges in the Quick Check, KaDeWe, Sanlucar, Struwwelpeter, Il Fragolino, Moretti, Valensina Sanguinelli, IGP, Rosaria

Blood oranges in the Quick Check

I love blood oranges, but as it is always the case, you usually only buy a few and as soon as you have noticed that they were particularly tasty, there are no more of those to get – or the newly bought ones suddenly taste completely different. Continue reading Blood Oranges

AITO Cheddar

Those of you who have been following my blog for a while will know that I have become a real Finland fan in recent years. It all started with the Green Week in Berlin – the Finnish community’s presence at the fair simply had a special flair. Continue reading AITO Cheddar

Larded Leg of venison

Mussels in tomato white wine broth, Larded Turkey mallets,  Penne Nere Rigate and Black garlic butter 

Leg of venison with black garlic, root vegetables & mushrooms

For 4 persons

Difficulty Level:                               Difficult

Expenses:                                           25-30 Euro

Time Effort:                                       2-3 Hours

                                                               Preparation takes 0.5 – 1.0 hours Continue reading Larded Leg of venison