
Under the heading Hotels we present you accommodations we have visited and which have impressed us so much in one way or another that we would like to tell you about them.

Basically, we want to say first of all that we only reflect positive experiences on – to write about bad experiences in the blog would be a waste of lifetime.

We’ve named the category hotels, but it can also include accommodations like hostels, guesthouses, Air B&B and much more.

Basically, it doesn’t take much to feel really comfortable – of course, travellers’ ideas of what is comfortable differ when it comes to the feel-good factor, but you don’t need a five-star hotel to feel safe and secure.

Basically, every accommodation should fit the purpose of the respective stay. If the monk wants his peace and quiet – he goes to a monastery and not to a hostel in the centre of a metropolis.

Of course, it is not always that easy. There are as many different demands on a hotel and its location as there are guests. It is a challenge for the hoteliers to put a hotel for each of these guests and their stay in the perfect light.

When it comes to a holiday with sun, beach and pool, some like to have their peace and quiet, others want to play with their children at the pool and others are looking for the daily party. All this often cannot be reconciled, but recreation always means consideration and understanding for the ideas of the other guests.

Cleanliness, sufficient space and above all good food are from our point of view a guarantee for relaxed guests and relaxed guests are what it takes to experience a real holiday atmosphere.

Our experiences here are of course always only snapshots – so it can happen that a hotel in which we felt very comfortable will look completely different at a later date.

Basically, before a trip we also look into the common portals in order to find out what the last guests experienced – nowadays, however, one has to read between the lines a lot, as many guests often do not remain fair with their ratings – we try to do this differently here.

So have fun with our reviews.